Der Mauretanier 2021 DVDScr full movie torrent

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Der Mauretanier 2021 DVDScr full movie torrent

Der Mauretanier 2021

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Mohamedou Ould Slahi is fighting for freedom after the government has held him in prison for years.
Kevin Macdonald Authors:
Michael Bronner (manuscript door) (Travenina), Rory Haines (manuscript door) Based on Mohamedou Ould Slah’s New Times bestselling notes “Guantnamo Diary,” it’s a true story of Slah’s struggle for freedom after the government had arrested and imprisoned him for years without charge. Slahi finds alone and frightened allies in defense attorney Nancy Hollander and her partner Teri Duncan, who are fighting the government in a fight for justice that tests their commitment to the law and their client at every turn. His controversial defense, along with the testimonies of a huge military prosecutor, lt. Col. The found Stuart Couch reveals shocking truths and ultimately proves that the human spirit cannot be locked.

Der Mauretanier 2021

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